"Tailspin!" written by Zach Stephens and directed by Kelly Webb, is a one act comedy filled with chaos, destruction, and laughs. "Tailspin!" will be performing at The New York International Fringe Festival - FringeNYC a production of The Present Company this August 2016. Check out www.fringenyc.org for more information.
SYNOPSIS: The red emergency phone is ringing. On one end? Lowly assistants at Babylon Pictures, a major Hollywood movie studio, left alone to handle some fresh and rapidly escalating damage control. On the other? North Korea's supreme leader, furious with his depiction in Babylon's latest film, "The Girlish Tendencies of Kim Jong-un". Besieged from all sides, they must contend with a spiraling predicament catapulting them further into a frenzied distortion of modern American culture and the creative process. Throwing shade may be their only way out.